旷工/缺勤和过度迟到是职场常见的两大纪律问题. 本文将讨论与此相关的法律,并提供应对惯性旷工或惯性迟到的员工的方案。 旷工 旷工是指员工在没有解释或公司批准的情况下持续缺席的行为。
[VIDEO] Lawyers As Investigator for Workplace Complaints
Employers, if you received an anonymous complaint or a whistleblow, you may want to consider hiring a lawyer as the investigator. This video explains how a lawyer can effectively assist you. This is a snippet from our webinar in May
[FREE WEBINAR] Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: The New Era
On 12.7.2024, the Anti-Sexual Harassment Tribunal issued its first award in the case of a physical sexual harassment complaint by a female employee against her male employer, and ordered the employer to apologise to her. This decision signifies a huge