Introduction Covid-19 has caused a significant impact on work and workers, and amongst them, is the rapid adoption of the Work from Home practice. This alert will focus on whether employees can insist on working from home during this pandemic.
[Video] Quick Guide to Legally Manage Problematic Employees
My second video produced in collaboration with WorkSmartly is up. In this video, I give some guidance on how to legally and properly handle problematic employees and common disciplinary issues such as: Insubordination; Excessive lateness; Poor performance; Workplace Harassment; Frequent
Cara-cara Mengendali Pekerja Yang Tidak Berdisiplin
Rencana ini membincangkan tentang satu kes yang diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Perusahaan pada tahun 2018 – Kamaazura Bt Abu Bakar v KYP Education Sdn. Bhd. (Industrial Court No Kes.: 12/4-665/18) . Kes ini menerangkan tentang bagaimana sebuah syarikat atau seorang majikan