Pengenalan Seorang pekerja dianggap telah digantung pekerjaanya apabila beliau dilepaskan secara sementara daripada tanggungjawabnya dan tidak diwajibkan untuk hadir ke kerja. Penggantungan kerja, sekiranya dilaksanakan secara betul, merupakan satu tindakan disiplin yang boleh diambil oleh Majikan secara sah, sama ada
[VIDEO] Lawyers As Investigator for Workplace Complaints
Employers, if you received an anonymous complaint or a whistleblow, you may want to consider hiring a lawyer as the investigator. This video explains how a lawyer can effectively assist you. This is a snippet from our webinar in May
[VIDEO] Is Domestic Inquiry A Must?
In this video, we answer the question of whether a domestic inquiry is mandatory. This is a question posed to us during our March 2024 Webinar. Read more on domestic inquiry here: How an Employee Can Challenge the Findings of a