Webinar On Key Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967

Pindaan-pindaan Utama Kepada Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967

Thank you CLJ for inviting me to deliver a talk on the key amendments to the Industrial Relations Act that came into effect this year.

I spoke about the changes in the conciliation process, the automatic referral system, the change in the appeal process, the increase in the powers of the Industrial Court, and more.

The talk was delivered in Bahasa Malaysia and we had about 180 attendees, comprising mainly of lawyers and human resource executives / managers.

I hope the talk was beneficial; I am happy to see that the feedback so far has been quite positive.

Thank you to my interns Carine Tan and Evien See for assisting me in the preparation for this talk.


27 thoughts on “Webinar On Key Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967

  1. Terima kasih atas penerangan yang amat jelas. Mohon dapatkan slaid kerana membantu saya memahami pindaan dengan tepat.

  2. The content was relevant to managing HR, thank you. Appreciate if you can share your slides for today on IR amendments.

  3. Hi Mr. Louis,

    It’s great to have a session like this to know more and keep updated on the information.
    Hope there’s more session in the future!

  4. Thanks so much Louis for your sharing in the Webinar On Key Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967, can you email me the slides..

  5. Hi sir, it was a very good session and tq for sharing.

    My unanswered questions were

    1. How many amendments all together?

    2. How will be prison if company is held liable under section 56(3)

    Appreciate if you can share the slides of your presentation to my email aidzriimran@gmail.com

    Tqvm sir

  6. Good Input. As HR I really looking forward to having this session again in the future.


    1. Bagaimana faedah pampasan itu dikira. Sebagai contoh, pekerja Megasteel Sdn Bhd masih tidak menerima apa2 pampasan daripada tahun 2015 dan 2016. Adakah terdapat faedah daripada tuntutan mereka?

    2. Jika Syarikat mengisytiharkan kebankrupsi, bagaimana bekas pekerja boleh dapat dan teruskan tuntutan pampasan?

    I hope you can share the slide with me.

    Thank you!

  7. Seminar ini bagus kerana dapat membantu pihak yang berkaitan akan perubahan atau pindaan dalam hak serta tanggungjawab majikan dan pekerja. Penceramah juga jelas dalam memberikan maklumat berkaitan

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