This is the call speech that I prepared for Kimberly, who has kindly invited me to be her mover. Congrats Kimberly on your call to the bar. Dengan izin Yang Arif, Saya, Louis Liaw Vern Xien peguam pengusul hadir bagi pihak Pempetisyen, Kimberly
Moving the Call of Charunee A/P Che Ron
This is the Long Call speech for Charunee A/P Che Ron on 26.04.2024 before Yang Arif Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid. Dengan izin Yang Arif, Saya, Louis Liaw Vern Xien hadir bagi pihak Pempetisyen, Charunee A/P Che Ron. Bersama saya
[LIVE ON CLUBHOUSE 14.10.2021 6PM] – Managing Employees Refusing Vaccination
Dear all, Mr. Arulkumar of Malaysian HR Forum and I are hosting a discussion on “Managing Employees Refusing Vaccination” on Clubhouse this Thursday at 6 pm. We will be discussing the most efficient and legal methods to dealing with this