This is the Long Call speech for Charunee A/P Che Ron on 26.04.2024 before Yang Arif Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid. Dengan izin Yang Arif, Saya, Louis Liaw Vern Xien hadir bagi pihak Pempetisyen, Charunee A/P Che Ron. Bersama saya
Can Lawyers Write Like Normal Human Beings, Please?
“Even though a contributing cause to the reduction in sales/revenue may be a lack of sensitivity towards market sentiment (which the Company had investigated/researched through a specialized marketing team), and a shortage in manpower (which is to no fault of
Five Virtues of a Young Advocate
Over the holidays, I read a book titled “The Seven Lamps of Advocacy”, written by Sir Edward Abbott Parry, published in 1923. It is an old and simple book but filled with profound wisdom and everlasting principles; I highly