I am a Dispute Resolution Lawyer with a focus on Employment and Industrial Relations Law, in particular complex Employment Law Litigation and Criminal Defence for Employment-Law related offences.
I am capable of advising and/or representing both employers and employees, local and international, on the following matters:
- Industrial Court Litigation and Dispute Resolution including on:
- Constructive dismissal
- Unfair / Wrongful dismissal
- Trade union disputes
- Disciplinary actions and Internal Investigation including:
- Domestic Inquiry
- Internal Fact-Finding Exercise
- Medical Board Out
- Show cause
- Termination
- Employment contracts and policies
- Employment contracts
- Employee handbooks
- Employee incentive schemes
- Director service agreements
- Fixed-term contracts
- Gig-economy policies
- Human resource management policies
- Non-compete policies
- Performance Improvement Plans
- Voluntary & mutual separation schemes (VSS/MSS)
- Work from home policies
- Wages and benefits
- General advisory on a retainer basis
- Civil Court Litigation and Dispute Resolution including:
- Appeal & Judicial Review on Industrial Court awards
- Breach of employment contract
- Breach of duty of loyalty
- Breach of director’s duties
- Breach of confidence and trade secrets
- Breach of trust
- Bullying, harassment, and unwanted behavior at the workplace
- Class-action suits
- Defamation
- Discrimination based on race, religion, gender, descent, and age
- Fraud
- Immunity from jurisdiction
- Injunctions
- Unlawful interference with trade
- Compliance
- Anti-corruption policies
- Anti-discrimination policies
- Domestic inquiry policies
- Sexual harassment policies
- Whistle-blowing policies
- Workplace safety policies
- Organisation of Workforce
- Retrenchment
- Restructuring
- Relocation
- Retirement
- General advisory on a retainer basis
- Criminal Defence for offences related to:
- Anti-Trafficking In Persons And Anti-Smuggling Of Migrants Act 2007
- Children and Young Person (Employment) Act 1966
- Factories and Machinery Act 1967
- Employees’ Minimum Standards of Housing, Accommodations and Amenities Act 1990
- Employees Provident Fund Act 1991
- Employees’ Social Security Act 1969
- Employment Act 1955
- Employment (Restriction) Act 1968
- Employment Insurance System Act 2017
- Employment Information Act 1953
- Immigration Act 1963
- Industrial Relations Act 1967
- Minimum Retirement Age 2012
- National Wages Consultative Council Act 2011 and Minimum Wage Orders
- Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
- Trade Union Act 1959
I also have the experience and ability to handle the following:
- Appellate advocacy
- Trial advocacy
- Commercial Litigation
- Contractual disputes
- Corporate disputes
- Public Interest Litigation
- Violation of Human Rights
- Violation of Constitutional Rights
- Criminal Defence
- Penal Code Offences
- Communication and Multimedia Offences
- National Security Offences
- Civil Litigation
- Tort
- Land disputes
- Defamation
- Fraud and Breach of trust
If you would like to speak to me, appoint me, or consult me, please Contact Me.